Friday, December 7, 2012
2:42 PM
catatatn nunung
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langkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut:
sebelum memulai masuk ke mikrotik sobat dahulu...
1. Masuk ke System -> Scripts
2. klik Add dan beri nama antispoofing1
3. kemudian pada kolom source isikan script di bawah ne lalu klik OK dan Run Script
Script antispoofing1 :
:local hosts [/ip dhcp-server lease find]
:local pcname "X"
:local pcnum 0
:global hacklist ""
:foreach h in $hosts do={
:local host [/ip dhcp-server lease get $h host-name]
:if ([:len $host] >0) do {
:set pcname ($pcname . "," . $host)
:set pcnum ($pcnum + 1)
:foreach h in $pcname do={
:local hh 0
:if (!([:find $hacklist $h]>=0)) do={
:foreach k in $pcname do={ :if ($k=$h) do={:set hh ($hh + 1) } }
:if ($hh>2) do={
:if ([:len $hacklist] >0) do {:set hacklist ($hacklist . "," . $h)} else={:set hacklist $h}
:local timer [:pick [/system clock get time] 3 5]
:if (($switch > 0) || ($timer >= "58")) do={
:log warning ("New Hacklist: " . $hacklist)
4. Ulangin langkah 2 dan beri nama antispoofing2
5. kemudian pada kolom source isikan script di bawah ne lalu klik OK dan Run Script
Script antispoofing2 :
# use global hacklist variable
#:log info ($hacklist)
:foreach host in $hacklist do={
:foreach i in= [/ip dhcp-server lease find host-name $host] do={
:local ipnum [/ip dhcp-server lease get $i address]
:local unum [/ip hotspot active find address $ipnum]
:if ([:len $unum] >0) do {
:local usr [/ip hotspot active get $unum user]
:log warning ($host . " " . $ipnum . " " . $usr)
#next line kick them out right now, could also check pppoe
/ip hotspot active remove $unum
#other stuff can do now with the identified IP and USER
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